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And Ben
In Hong Kong

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

The first test

Well this is it i guess, the first of what i hope will be many postings so friends and family can keep track of Robyn and myself (Ben) throughout our journeys across both Hong Kong and the world. This is just a test, (as i have only found out how to make the damn blog) but I hope this site will turn out to be a month by month account of the events, experiences, pictures and opinions that we encounter on our journey. Just in case anyone finds this blog just through surfing online, here is quick explanation of what me and Robyn have got ourselves into! Around Christmas time, an hour before I was to sit an exam, I found a website advertising a charity based in Hong Kong which supplies graduate students to work in schools around the area to teach English. Robyn and myself decided to apply, and three interviews later found out we were going to be spending an academic year out in Honkers! (what the local ex pats call the place). It is now one month and about ten days before we are due to start our contract, and we have both just found out that we have got 2:1's from our degree...... so let the countdown begin :S !


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