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And Ben
In Hong Kong

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

In a juice bar

So it's saturday and we are in a juice bar having breakfast/lunch. We went on the Junk boat trip to the outlying islands yesterday as a celebration for finishing training. It was amazing fun, I tried wakeboarding but it is nothing like watersking, so I ended up drinking half the ocean. We stopped off at an island which was similar to the one from the television series 'Lost'. It had a waterfall running down the mountain to the right of the sand, we climbed up the rocks to a running pool of fresh water overlooking the ocean. Sadly I never got any pictures because my phone was out of juice and loads were taken by friends anyway, so i will steal them and put them up later. We ended the night heading home after watching the sunset behind all the mountains, stopping off for some amazing food on the way.

Not much else to report, today we are looking for suitable clothes for Robyn at school. She is working at an all girls school it has been recently revealed and starts on monday.

In the mean time here is a picture of the view from our flat windows.



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