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And Ben
In Hong Kong

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Friday, November 17, 2006

School Days...

I realise I havn't written much about school recently so I thought I'd entertain you with some pictures instead. The first ones are from Sports Day which, as you can probably tell, was pretty dull so we had to amuse ourselves with some random posing. The others are from the English Halloween party we had. As you can tell I have a lot of fun at school and the girls are lovely, this Thursday we had a school trip to Ocean Park which was great. All the girls think I'm even more insane now, as all the local teachers spend the day in the Cafe marking work while I was running round with the NET teacher going on all the rides, getting soaking wet on the log flume etc which they found hilarious.

School is generally hard work and tiring although planning and teaching lessons has become oddly normal now. It's actually the "extra" stuff that we do that takes up most of the time, this includes English Cafe, weekly events in the main hall, a performance of 'Annie' that I have somehow found myself writing the script for and which we are now rehearsing and also a scary amount of Karaoke. How I have gone from never having done Karaoke drunk or sober to doing it on my own, every week, in the school hall, singing random English versions of Cantonese pop songs that I have no idea of the tune or words for I have no idea...but it definitely wasn't my decision! It's safe to say that nothing about either mine or Ben's job is normal and, although it drives me crazy sometimes, it's definitely an experience!

In other news, last week was the university performance of "Romeo and Juliet" that I have been helping out with. It was very strange to be sitting in the audience instead of performing onstage but I was still really nervous for them! It went really well though and they were all really pleased with it afterwards which was really nice to see. I'm actually quite sad it's over although it took up a lot of time - hopefully they will do another performance next term and want my help again...
Anyway that's about it for now, I'm not sure what we're up to this weekend but whatever goes on I'm sure there'll be photos and blogging to come,
R x


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robyn! Is that a hat on your head? Again? Never thought I'd see the day! School certainly looks fun in a hectic sort of way.

Don't over do it!!!
Dad x

6:48 PM  

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