Robyn and Ben in Hong Kong: The Birthday of the Buddha(function() { (function(){function b(g){this.t={};this.tick=function(h,m,f){var n=f!=void 0?f:(new Date).getTime();this.t[h]=[n,m];if(f==void 0)try{window.console.timeStamp("CSI/"+h)}catch(q){}};this.getStartTickTime=function(){return this.t.start[0]};this.tick("start",null,g)}var a;if(window.performance)var e=(a=window.performance.timing)&&a.responseStart;var p=e>0?new b(e):new b;window.jstiming={Timer:b,load:p};if(a){var c=a.navigationStart;c>0&&e>=c&&(}if(a){var d=window.jstiming.load;
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Robyn AndBen
In Hong Kong
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Birthday of the Buddha
Hong Kong seems to have endless random holidays at various points in the year. I never keep track of them and am always very happy on the monday when I'm told that I have a day off during the week that I never saw coming.
Today is a public holiday because we are celebrating the birthday of Buddha. To those people who are questioning the need for a holiday on this day, Robyn politely reminds them that we have bloody ages off to celebrate the birthday of someone else called Jesus. So why not Buddha too?
I was going to visit Lamma Island today but have decided a far better option is to go and watch Pirates Of the Carribean with Rob and then have a massage. What is ace about Hong Kong is that it has some really swish cinemas. Our nearest one has huge comfy chairs and serves olives and other posh nosh, tho I don't ever buy it, I just sneak stuff in from the local shops. In other news Robyn has been given 4 free tickets to take a boat to one of the far far far off islands in Hong Kong. There are 250 + islands to choose from so I don't know which one we are going to, but apparently it is rarely visited and uninhabited so prepare for pictures soon!
good on buddha... Pirates is one of our favourite films or is it the latest one you are seeing? on another note your dad and I are celebrating our silver wedding anniversary today. 25 years!!!!! makes us feel so old. we are both working mind you so we won't be celebrating. oh well xxx
Well done, hardly anyone gets to 25 years nowadays so that's a huge achievement - you deserve a fare few bottles of something very alcoholic! Or an early release form.....
good on buddha... Pirates is one of our favourite films or is it the latest one you are seeing?
on another note your dad and I are celebrating our silver wedding anniversary today. 25 years!!!!! makes us feel so old. we are both working mind you so we won't be celebrating. oh well xxx
thanks for the message ben Happy weeding anniversary ?????
as the old joke get less for murder.
Well done, hardly anyone gets to 25 years nowadays so that's a huge achievement - you deserve a fare few bottles of something very alcoholic! Or an early release form.....
(just kidding, have a lovely anniversary!)
and also thank you for the wonderful flowers and wine and bear that arrived today from "my two boys"...... msde me quite emotional x
welcome mum, though credit to Jack fro remembering
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