h Robyn and Ben in Hong Kong: 14 Days...(function() { (function(){function b(g){this.t={};this.tick=function(h,m,f){var n=void 0!=f?f:(new Date).getTime();this.t[h]=[n,m];if(void 0==f)try{window.console.timeStamp("CSI/"+h)}catch(q){}};this.getStartTickTime=function(){return this.t.start[0]};this.tick("start",null,g)}var a;if(window.performance)var e=(a=window.performance.timing)&&a.responseStart;var p=0=c&&(window.jstiming.srt=e-c)}if(a){var d=window.jstiming.load; 0=c&&(d.tick("_wtsrt",void 0,c),d.tick("wtsrt_","_wtsrt",e),d.tick("tbsd_","wtsrt_"))}try{a=null,window.chrome&&window.chrome.csi&&(a=Math.floor(window.chrome.csi().pageT),d&&0=b&&window.jstiming.load.tick("aft")};var k=!1;function l(){k||(k=!0,window.jstiming.load.tick("firstScrollTime"))}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("scroll",l,!1):window.attachEvent("onscroll",l); })();

And Ben
In Hong Kong

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

14 Days...

Well it's now 14 days till I arrive in Honkers and i'm starting to try to discern what I want to bring to Hong Kong as oppose to what I need. For example I want to bring Cadburys chocolate, as I have found out the chocolate in Hong Kong is rubbish. But I need make space for important things like pants and shoes. Besides, what I dont want is a combination of chocolate, Hong kong heat and my pants all in one bag. That would leave a mess which would need to be explained to Hong Kong customs whether I want to or not. Speaking of heat, if anyone wants to check out what the weather is like in Honkers for the next seven days (click this link) I have also found out that from my Dad's days working for British Airways, Robyn and myself can take advantage of cheap air cargo fares to ferry all the junk we will undoubtably collect over the next year back home again to England. So if any family or friends want something in particular sent over just let us know (maybe a couple of giant pandas?) The company we will be working for has been in contact quite alot in the last couple of days. We have been given information about what to expect when we arrive, and it goes into a fair bit of detail, right down to the prices of shopping goods.

  1. A McDonald's meal (Big Mac, chips/french fries and a soft drink) $22 (£1.50)
  2. A large pizza from Pizza Hut $111 (£8.00)
  3. A meal at a cheap local Chinese restaurant $30 (£3.00)
  4. A litre of milk $23 (£1.60)
  5. 1 dozen eggs $11 (£0.70)
  6. Ending the year looking like Jabba The Hut... Priceless.


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