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And Ben
In Hong Kong

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Bird Flu case in Hong Kong

It has started to be reported in the news that a case of Bird Flu has been discovered in Causeway Bay, which is just up the road. It has only been found in one bird but I have noticed a huge increase in uniformed health officials taking away produce for testing when I walk through the markets.

My route to work involves walking through the Causeway Bay market and often ends with me haggling with a little fruit selling lady over the price of bananas. No matter how many times I go there I always indicate that I want two bananas largely using had gestures and pointing. Every time this happens she at first tries to flog me two bunches of bananas. This is a process that happens every time I go there and she seems to now find it quite funny.

Anyway if the bird flu story gets reported over there in England don't worry too much, Robyn does not eat chicken as a 'veggie' and i tend to avoid it as well. We do eat eggs here but they are imported from the USA. Oh and whilst we do live in the 'market area' of Wan Chai our section is a fish market, so until there is fish flu we should be ok :)

If you want to read the news article click here



Anonymous Anonymous said...

think avian flu is more air borne rather than if you eat it Ben so try not getting too friendly with any live chickens........
on a less serious note love the latest pics and really looking forward tocoming. Not long now x

5:53 AM  

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