h Robyn and Ben in Hong Kong: 'The Shouting Couple' have gone!(function() { (function(){function b(g){this.t={};this.tick=function(h,m,f){var n=void 0!=f?f:(new Date).getTime();this.t[h]=[n,m];if(void 0==f)try{window.console.timeStamp("CSI/"+h)}catch(q){}};this.getStartTickTime=function(){return this.t.start[0]};this.tick("start",null,g)}var a;if(window.performance)var e=(a=window.performance.timing)&&a.responseStart;var p=0=c&&(window.jstiming.srt=e-c)}if(a){var d=window.jstiming.load; 0=c&&(d.tick("_wtsrt",void 0,c),d.tick("wtsrt_","_wtsrt",e),d.tick("tbsd_","wtsrt_"))}try{a=null,window.chrome&&window.chrome.csi&&(a=Math.floor(window.chrome.csi().pageT),d&&0=b&&window.jstiming.load.tick("aft")};var k=!1;function l(){k||(k=!0,window.jstiming.load.tick("firstScrollTime"))}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("scroll",l,!1):window.attachEvent("onscroll",l); })();

And Ben
In Hong Kong

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

'The Shouting Couple' have gone!

The very old white male with the very young Asian girlfriend who lived across from us on the second floor have moved out!

Gone are the days where we have to hear them

  1. Arguing
  2. Swearing
  3. Throwing things at each other
  4. Shouting
  5. Bumping into us in the lift and forcing us to pretend that we have never heard any of the above.

I know all this because I went into their now empty flat to steal their working TV with the landlord. Our toilet is stil leaking but everything else seems to have been fixed by the miracle that is Mr Yu.

All this brilliance is negated though because it seems that workers are now tearing off and replacing the tiles on the outside part of our building. Drilling, banging, and men peering at Robyn and myself through our windows are from today going to become the norm.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny.. I thought shouty couple moved in next to us a few weeks ago!

10:33 PM  

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