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And Ben
In Hong Kong

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Friday, June 01, 2007

The End

So that's it then, 9 months all over.

I could go on and on about how much of an amazing time it has been but I think that flicking through this blog pretty much sums that up in itself.

I remember clearly when I sat down in Robs room on a cold and wet Bristol afternoon and said "How do you fancy going to Hong Kong?" She never has been one to turn down an adventure and that's kind of how we ended up here together.

But now Rob is going to adventure off to other places and I am sticking around in Hong Kong. Something about the place has made me want to stay, and I think it has that effect on quite a few people who end up in this amazing little place.

I'm aware that I may start sounding a bit too over the top in my final blog entry. Especially as Rob would tease me about it. :) So I am going to say that my time here so far has been insane, in a good way. And having Robyn here to share it with has made it even more insane, but again in a good way, i'm going to miss her lots.

The best 9 months of my life. No doubt about it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been fantastic that you've produced this blog. It's been amazing to share all of this with you (yep, that's me sounding emotional too). But it is true, it feels like we've shared it with you both properly.

We'll be keeping up to dtae with your antics on your new site (it's already in our favourites) and hopefully Andy will keep us up to date with Rob and life in NZ.

Take care Ben, and hope to see you again at some point.

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

god we are all getting emotional now. I doubt if either of you will ever forget your special nine months there. Good luck to both of you on your next adventures we will all miss your (nearly) daily bloglife together in Hong Kong....x hope we can keep up with you samb on the next blog of bens

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are we going to do now? what are we going to do now? what are we going to do now? It'll be very strange not logging in to this at least once a day. As Sam says we'll haunt the new site and track Robyn to NZ. Now, if you could set up some similar trips to Bali, Australia, Tahiti, Morocco, Brazil, India, Nepal,Tibet......we'll see you there! Lots of love Davexx

11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a lighter note I wonder how many lts of vodka the pair of you have consumed in the past 9 months! Must be in the region of 50+ . Will miss the blog, make sure u can save it to look at when you both get oldddd!!!

5:01 AM  
Blogger robynandben said...

I think 50 Lts of vodka is a bit on the conservative side...

1:22 AM  

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