h Robyn and Ben in Hong Kong: Robyn in newspaper(function() { (function(){function b(g){this.t={};this.tick=function(h,m,f){var n=void 0!=f?f:(new Date).getTime();this.t[h]=[n,m];if(void 0==f)try{window.console.timeStamp("CSI/"+h)}catch(q){}};this.getStartTickTime=function(){return this.t.start[0]};this.tick("start",null,g)}var a;if(window.performance)var e=(a=window.performance.timing)&&a.responseStart;var p=0=c&&(window.jstiming.srt=e-c)}if(a){var d=window.jstiming.load; 0=c&&(d.tick("_wtsrt",void 0,c),d.tick("wtsrt_","_wtsrt",e),d.tick("tbsd_","wtsrt_"))}try{a=null,window.chrome&&window.chrome.csi&&(a=Math.floor(window.chrome.csi().pageT),d&&0=b&&window.jstiming.load.tick("aft")};var k=!1;function l(){k||(k=!0,window.jstiming.load.tick("firstScrollTime"))}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("scroll",l,!1):window.attachEvent("onscroll",l); })();

And Ben
In Hong Kong

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Robyn in newspaper

I found this picture of Robyn dressed in newspaper. It is taken from our orientation training where we were working on activities the kids could do. Robyn got rather into it :)

Rob has been taking part in a school swimming gala today. It is in Victoria Park which is quite close to my office. She was given the choice of either watching in the stands or helping in the pool. Word got round that being in the stands means sitting there for hours in horrible heat and so Robyn has offered to stand in the training pool and supervise. I have not talked to her yet but I have a feeling that she will be persuaded to take part in the student teacher race, although she is claiming that it will never happen.

Next wednesday I am going into a school to host a "reading event". This involves getting 200 hundred young kids into a hall then trying to get them to participate in English orientated games, activies and interactive things like that for over an hour. Since I found out about this event there has been a timetable clash and suddenly the staff participating has dropped to three. it may be sorted out but if nothing else I am going to sleep well that night.

We now have the laptop at home and can jump onto other peoples connections in neighbouring flats to surf the net. This only occurs if they have a good signal, are online and have not secured their internet from having other people nick it. What this means is that we may be able to start posting videos! so keep your eyes peeled!



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