h Robyn and Ben in Hong Kong: Yes, I'm still bored...(function() { (function(){function b(g){this.t={};this.tick=function(h,m,f){var n=void 0!=f?f:(new Date).getTime();this.t[h]=[n,m];if(void 0==f)try{window.console.timeStamp("CSI/"+h)}catch(q){}};this.getStartTickTime=function(){return this.t.start[0]};this.tick("start",null,g)}var a;if(window.performance)var e=(a=window.performance.timing)&&a.responseStart;var p=0=c&&(window.jstiming.srt=e-c)}if(a){var d=window.jstiming.load; 0=c&&(d.tick("_wtsrt",void 0,c),d.tick("wtsrt_","_wtsrt",e),d.tick("tbsd_","wtsrt_"))}try{a=null,window.chrome&&window.chrome.csi&&(a=Math.floor(window.chrome.csi().pageT),d&&0=b&&window.jstiming.load.tick("aft")};var k=!1;function l(){k||(k=!0,window.jstiming.load.tick("firstScrollTime"))}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("scroll",l,!1):window.attachEvent("onscroll",l); })();

And Ben
In Hong Kong

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Yes, I'm still bored...

While Adam was here I took him for a sneaky look at the outside of my school one evening (I would have taken him during the day but he would have been eaten alive). He seemed faintly suprised at what it look like, so although these pictures don't really show it in its full glory, I though I'd post these ones I found on the school albums. At somepoint I'll try and get round to taking some of the English Zone and the Staff room where I spend my days...but don't hold your breath!

As it is now winter this is somewhat more "flowery" than it looks at the moment...

The Main Hall, where the Karaoke magic happens...

The Annexe - this is across the "road" (more like a stone path that taxis hurtle up at 100mph), from the building in the first picture.

There's not much else to report, as you may have gathered from both mine and Ben's posts yesterday, things are pretty quiet at the moment - it's that January feeling!
R x


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