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And Ben
In Hong Kong

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Funny classroom story...

In a fit of boredom (me trying to look for any excuse so I do not have to pack) I decided to go surfing with the aid of Google. I decided to search to see if there are any other blogs out there written by people who work for the company.

I did find one, but I can't link you to it till I ask if the owner of the blog is fine with me directing attention his way.

However I am going to share with you a story that he writes about one of his primary students and a chair.

"P.1C is home to the student, a 6 year old, who was forcibly suspended from school until he started taking behavior modifying drugs. On my first day of teaching...ever... he had to be pysically drug out of class while he tried to bite the LET (Local English Teacher). Needless to say, out of the classes I look forward to, 1C is not at the top, especially that chap, let's call him LGL. Things were going along smoothly. LGL hadn't hit anyone, bit anyone, or stolen anything from anyone. He even answered a couple of questions. That is, until he decided to back out of his chair by going in between the seatback and the ass of the chair. The problem, he's got a big head. Arrogant? Maybe, but his cranium is gigantic for a six year old. He wasn't strong enough to pull himself out through the front, and his head was just too damn big to get out the back. He, and all the students, thought this was a hoot...until 5 minutes passed. He couldn't get out of the chair, and he realized it was a hell of a lot more uncomfortable than he anticipated. Meanwhile, the LET trying her best, simply cannot get his head out of the chair, and her only instruction to me is... "keep on teaching". As you can imagine, that simply was not an option as I thought this whole event was even funnier than the students did. Nearly every teacher in the school stopped by to have a try at pulling his head out of the chair too.Eventually the guidance counselor and assistant principal managed to pull LGL out, and later in the day, he was forced to "thank me" for "helping him". Anyways... "
I still can't stop imagining it...


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